north coast plumbing and heating services, no stress


In July of 2006, Pete Burks the logger answered the phone when the local 290 plumber’s union called. He put down the hook-tenders and picked up a pipe-threading machine. Outside of his relationship to his wife and daughters, Pete had never known love like the feeling of securing a leak-free weld.

Pete Burks the logger perished that day and Pete the plumber was born, like a cute baby phoenix from a pile of sawdusty ashes.

Over the years, much of the convenience you may have enjoyed has been brought to you by Pete’s handywork. He has worked on Columbia Memorial Hospital, the CMH Women’s Pavillion, Jewell School, Clatsop Community College, and Astoria Birth Center. If you’ve used a sink, toilet, bath, or shower in any of those locations and didn’t think about it, you have Pete to thank.

When your toddler flushes a bag of rocks down the toilet, or it’s time to update your horrifying 1970’s bathroom, remember that nobody loves fixing your dirty, broken pipes more than Pete Burks.